4 january 2022

Soul Balance mist

Hello beautiful soul. Here is an article about the first spray developed by Bo-tanics. Soul Balance is perfect for energy cleansing and grounding.

2020 and 2021 were strange years for us all. The whole planet ground to a halt, and we were all reminded not only how closely woven our societies have become, but also how vulnerable we can still be to the forces of nature.

At some stage in 2020 I noticed that I really needed more grounding. A dear friend reminded me about earthing. So daily I meandered around our garden barefoot, feeling the power of nature relax my body and my self. The perfect time to pause and create.

I was having an interesting time with aromatherapy mixology and I developed this sweet smelling blend for protection, purification and of course grounding. I used it at home and tried it with my Reiki clients. I noticed that my connections were becoming clearer and the energy flowed with an increased intensity. My clients also seemed more relaxed, which in turn enables more healing to take place.

violet glass bottle

SOUL BALANCE is perfect for cleansing you and your sacred space by removing negative energy. Just spray a couple of times above your head and allow it to gently fall into your aura. The aroma is divine and instantly refreshing.

Spritz in your treatment room or home space, whenever you need an energetic boost. It is a perfect solution for smokeless cleansing. The added bonus to this concoction is that it can also be used as a linen spray. Spray on your pillow and drift off into a relaxing night’s sleep.

During the blending process the oils 'rest' together for a few hours. I am blessed to have a large crystal block, so I sit the potions on there to further imbue my blend with the magic nature provides. Each small batch is then infused with 528Hz, the frequency of love.

After the resting period I bottle up the mixtures into violet glass bottles. This glass filters light to protect and preserve the contents, which assures the essentail oils remain fresh and potent.

"I'm so grateful for Bo's Soul Balance spray. I've been spraying it on our pillows each night before I meditate. I've been sleeping more deeply, feeling calmer and enjoying a very harmonious household! Thank you Bo."

Penny UK

This unique mix is a combination of the following essential oils. From the first spray your senses will capture the citrus tones of Lemon and Bergamot, offering protection and purfication from the start.

Following on with the aromatic mid notes of Lavender, which creates harmony and balance, and Rosemary, perfect for aura and room cleansing and protection, as well as being deeply relaxing.

Lastly you will detect the base notes of Vetiver and Myrrh, adding a warm, earthy aromas to the mix. Vetiver and Myrrh are not only very grounding but they also provide a powerful sense of balance for the mind, body and soul, aiding sleep and mental emotional relaxation.